It's Over!

Well it’s over. Contemplating the night’s event I think it went down very well. Stuart came back yesterday evening confidant it wouldn’t be finished in time. The ongoing delay with the screens, set everyone back and the artists were starting to feel the anxiety of last minute pressure.

Having left the space with still plenty to do and on a mission to collect his final piece for his outfit- he was convinced we had to leave early to finish off the exhibition before the hordes of people gathered to witness the extravaganza.

10 minutes late, rolling up in a slick black Mercedes we arrived to the opening of the Black Market. The space had been finished and the room looked incredible. Crowds of people surrounded each installation, looking studiously at every component. From the moment Stuart entered the room he was a magnet for questions from people interested in his work. More people came than we could have imagined, the space was crammed and the room was hot! Spilling out onto the streets to get some air and escape from the density that lay inside people chatted on the road, considering the works and drinking of course!

Making an early exit for the door, keeping anonymity, Stuart left to a full room. A diverse gathering seemed impressed with the collective pieces. The burst of colour that exploded from the bed installation worked perfectly against the clean solid structure of Adham screens as his videos played on. Ken’s fantastic Nike Air high tops greeted guests as they entered the gallery. The gold dipped trainers introduced the exhibition perfectly before guests made their way into the high finish quality of the front retail space.

One after party later, the show is complete, now all that’s left is to pack our bags, get home and start work on Stuarts next project.
Labels: anna kustera, black market, exhibition, ju$t another rich kid
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